
Chapter 3 Digital Logic Structures


MOS transistor (Metal Oxide Semiconductor):

CMOS circuit:

Transistors (晶体管): p/n-type MOS transistor

Transistor (switch) → combined to logic gates (logic functions) AND, OR, NOT → combined to build higher-level structures (Adder, multiplexer, decoder, register…) → combined to build processor (LC-3)

switch-based circuits (2 states): open/closed, on/off, voltage/no voltage.

switch open: 开关打开,no current

switch closed: 闭合, current flows

gate positive (positive voltage): closed, short circuit (短路)

gate neg (zero voltage): open, open circuit (开路,断路)

if n-type is turned on (closed), pull down to 0 (GND).

#2 to the ground (GND, 0V)

n-type: #2 to the GND

gate positive voltage: open, open circuit

gate 0 voltage: closed, short circuit

if p-type is turned on (closed), pull up to 2.9V (1).

p-type: #1 to the +2.9V

Logic Gates

Use MOS transistor switch to implement logic gates: AND, OR, NOT

CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, use both n-type and p-type MOS transistors.

Inverter (NOT gate)

1 p-type (to the 2.9V #1) + 1 n-type (to the ground #2) transistor

NOR gate (NOT OR)

if that circuit is open, then C will connect to the ground (0V);

if the circuit is closed, C will connect to both +2.9V and the ground, but resulting in 0V in C.

OR gate (Inverter / NOT + NOR)


AND gate (NOT + NAND)

5 basic logic gates:

A new level of abstraction (implemented by MOS transistors / CMOS circuits)

Functions constructed by logic gates

Combinational logic circuit: decoder, multiplexer, full adder

Sequential Logic circuit (storage elements): R-S latch, the gated D latch


n inputs (n-bit), 2n2^n outputs (all possible bit patterns)

Multiplexer (MUX)

n-bit selector, 2n2^n inputs, one output

The output will be one of the inputs, depending on the bit pattern of the selector.


Full Adder

sum bit + carry over the next column

Logic completeness

Can implement any truth table by AND + OR + NOT.

Sequential logic circuit:

R-S latch (门闩)

Can store one bit of information ( 0 or 1 ).

Setting the latch (S): let the latch store a 1. (quiescent state / quiet state / holds the precious value)

Resetting the latch (R): let the latch store a 0. Take outputs as inputs to store values in the R-S latch.

R-S can be set to 1 as long as S = 0; can be set to 0 as long as R = 0; R and S are not allowed to set as 0 (be cleared) at the same time.

Summary of R-S Latch:

Gated D-Latch

Inputs: WE (write enable) + D (data)

if WE = 1, then set the R-S latch according to the value of D. Note: S = NOT(D), R = D

if WE = 0 → S = R = 1, the value of R-S latch remain unchanged.


To store a multi-bit value.


when WE (write enable) = 1, n-bit value D is written to a register (into multiple R-S latches of those D latches)

However, in LC-3, the registers are implemented by flip-flops instead of gated D. See P95.

Register examples in LC-3: (P93)



address space: number of locations, 2n2^n below

addressability: number of bits per location, m below



https://www.crucial.com/articles/about-memory/what-is-the-difference-between-ram-and-rom#:~:text=RAM%2C which stands for random,stores instructions for your computer.

RAM: random access memory

volatile (不稳定的), temporarily stored the files that you are working on.

ROM: read-only memory

non-volatile, permanently stores instructions for the computer.

Sequential Logic Circuits

State Machine

A kind of Sequential circuit.

Purpose of building synchronous finite state machine: to direct the behavior of our system.

Recall: Markov Chain

State: A snapshot of all the relevant elements of the system at the moment the snapshot is taken.

state machine: Combines combinational logic + storage.

It can remember the state and changes output (and state) based on inputs and current state.

The stored value can act as the input of the combinational logic circuit.

State diagram

states + actions → transition between states

Components of state diagrams:

Input triggers state transitions.

But the type of the transition is determined by input (e.g., the lock example) or input + current state or current state (no input, e.g., the traffic light without the switch)

The Clock

A clock circuit triggers transition from one state to the next. (The running of the state machine)

Master-Slave Flipflop (触发器)

A pair of gated D latches.

Problems of gated D latches as storage elements: the output of gated D latch would change the storage immediately in response to the input (given WE = 1). So the light would open and close fast and in repeat. We want storage elements to read the current state throughout the current clock cycle, and not write the next state values into the storage elements until the beginning of the next clock cycle.

Solution: Master-Slave flipflop, a pair of gated D latches

Each master-slave flipflop stores one state bit.

The number of storage elements (flipflops) needed (number of bits) is determined by the number of states (and representation of each states).

E.g., sequential lock, four states, → 2 bits (2 storage elements)

Traffic Sign Logic: combinational logic circuits + storage element (master-slave flipflop)

Data Path

From logic circuits to data path

Data path: all the logic used to process information.

P714, important LC-3 data path

Combinational logic of data path

Sequential logic of data path